this is what i am doing This year!!!

I love Project Life by Becky Higgins

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Advent Calender 2

I have to admit that I went at little advent calender crazy this year. They remind me of Christmas as a child. I have posted both calenders on this blog, this one I am hoping to use as a scripture advent. I will print off some quotes, scriptures etc. about the Christmas season and put one in each drawer. The other (click here) will be used for the sweet part of christmas, filled with chocolate and fun little treats!

I like most crafty, scrapbooky people subscribe to a number of Scrapbook magazines and in every one from about October to December I saw this...

($19.95 at

and a few example of different people's versions of their advent calenders.

So when I got some Christmas money and FINALLY got them in stock I pounced...I also ordered some cute non traditional Christmas paper and then stalked my mailbox until it all finally came.

I started out using the non-traditional stuff, (I won't list the brand because it's cute and I don't want to slam it) however I found that I had cut all the squares out and attached them that they didn't mesh well and I wanted something more traditional after all.

So I had purchased some Making Memories Scrapbook paper ( at Michaels and picked up a multi-paper pack at Target that matched to work on my other advent calender and to scrap our daughters Christmas pictures. I had a lot left over so I used what was left over as well as some Making Memorie Emblishments to make my advent calender.
These are the results:

I'll say that alot of the other calenders I have seen on online galleries such as are a lot more elaborate than mine, however, I wanted something that could be easily stored so that I wouldn't have to wrap it, or worry about it getting torn or broken while being moved.

So, I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the products, if you have questions about particular parts of the project (like the awesome new glue I found, please feel free to email us or post a comment and I'll be happy to answer them. Pin It

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How cute... I love the Advent Calender idea espicially to have a goody one and one with the scriptures...

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